Erik Chiafele Belgian, b. 1980
When we know that someone is looking at us, we behave accordingly. We strike a pose; our body is trying to compose itself in a certain way. Most portraits show us just that: a posing body. But what posture do we have when we are not being watched by others?
When we know that someone is looking at us, we behave accordingly. We strike a pose; our body is trying to compose itself in a certain way. Most portraits show us just that: a posing body. But what posture do we have when we are not being watched by others? And who are we when we are not aware of ourselves, or of our presence in a space? These questions form an important starting point for the painterly work of Erik Chiafele (Hasselt, 1980).
Art Brussels 2023
Main booth with works by ASMA, Bram Kinsbergen, Colleen Barry, Daan Gielis, Dittmar Viane, Erik Chiafele, Mamali Shafahi, Max Kesteloot, Michiel Ceulers, Tom Volkaert, touche—touche 20 - 23 Apr 2023 -
Art Antwerp 2022
touche-touche, Tom Volkaert, Thom Trojanowski, Serban Ionescu, Erik Chiefele, Deborah Bowman, Daan Gielis, Bram Kinsbergen 15 - 18 Dec 2022